Springtime, Nature, and Mental Health

As the days grow longer and temperatures rise, spring beckons us to step outside and immerse ourselves in nature. Whether it’s a stroll through a garden, a hike along woodland trails, or simply basking in the warmth of the sun, nature offers a simple and therapeutic escape from the stresses of everyday life! Research has…

The Power of Pausing for Mental Health

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, it’s no surprise that mental health concerns have become increasingly prevalent. The pressures of work, school, relationships, and social media to name a few, can often feel overwhelming, leaving individuals feeling mentally drained and emotionally exhausted. Amidst the constant hustle and bustle of life, taking a moment to pause…

Helping Teens Achieve Independence: 10 Tips for Parents

Achieving independence is an important goal of growing up, and one that can be challenging for both teens and parents. As teens start to navigate the world on their own, they’ll face new responsibilities and opportunities, and they’ll need to develop the skills and confidence to make good decisions. Here are some tips to help…

Navigating Adolescence: Strategies for Maintaining Open Communication and Setting Boundaries with Teens

Maintaining open and effective communication with teens is one of the most important aspects of parenting. As children grow into adolescents and young adults, they begin to develop their own sense of self and independence. This can be both exciting and challenging for parents, as it often means that teens may be more likely to…

Helping Teens Overcome Exam Preparation and Test Anxiety

Exam preparation and test anxiety can be a major challenge for teens during the spring as they prepare for final exams and standardized tests. These high-pressure situations can lead to increased stress and anxiety, making it difficult for teens to focus and retain information. As parents and caregivers, it’s important to understand how to help…

Navigating the Complexities of the Unmotivated Student

Motivation greatly impacts a student’s academic performance at all grade levels and impacts overall well-being. With unmotivated students, it is important to understand and support them with appropriate measures.  Before diving into remedies to improve motivation, it’s important to note that motivation can be greatly affected by learning disabilities and is a symptom of many…


Worry can be tricky. On the mild end, it can be interpreted as helpful or caring and can help a student ace their science quiz by over-preparing. On the other hand, it can become a ruthless dictator that rules your life. Worry is repetitive and masks itself as problem-solving, when it is actually the exact…

Rumination: get out of your head and into your life.

Have you ever caught yourself dwelling on something or getting lost in your negative thoughts? If so, you may be experiencing rumination, an action our brains seem to take on without permission and one that can be all-consuming; even (metaphorically) paralyzing. According to the American Psychiatric Association, “rumination involves repetitive thinking or dwelling on negative feelings…the repetitive, negative…

Mistaken Beliefs

As fall continues into winter, mental health professionals anticipate an increase in depression and anxiety in our communities. Winter is coming: a time when the days get shorter, darker, and colder. Heavier clothing layers come out, and shovels are on hand. We plan for the holiday season: the season that is joyous for some and…